In the beginning, God created. He created the heavens and the earth. He created light. He created soil and water, vegetation and animals. He created humanity.
He created you.
Wherever you stand on evolution vs. creation, put it aside for now. Allow yourself to marvel at the sheer genius of the design of water, fire, earth, sky… you.
In the 7 billion humans that now exist on the planet, in all the humans that have ever existed and ever will exist, there is no one like you. There has never been anyone like you. Nor will there ever be another you.
Creatives like to consider that there is an energy, a force, a spirit, a muse… an untouchable power of inspiration which makes our hearts alight with creative fiery juice. In a Ted Talk, Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love & Big Magic) talks about genius. Today we use the word genius to describe a person. But ancient Greeks and Romans understood genius to be a power outside ourselves, something to be touched by, to be blessed with… but not something to become. How arrogant it would have seemed to them to consider a mere human being to BE a genius. We are not geniuses, but we have access to genius.
And yet how fleeting it is to grab onto that spirit of genius, that muse, that energy… or is it?
The eternal God of the universe is neither fleeting nor fickle. He always was, and always will be. He is the Creator of creativity. He spoke the heavens and the earth into existence. He filled the earth with the most amazing animals and plants. Through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the triune God chooses to partner with His creation… you.